Player Bio — Rodney Roberts
By Deprecated: Function the_author_posts_link was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.1.0 with no alternative available. in /var/web/site/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085 Golden Tee Fan • Category: Player Bios •Rodney “Hot Rod” Roberts hails from the Indianapolis area, usually playing at PJ O’Keefes in Zionsville or
Legends in Avon. So far in 2009, his course averages are as follows:
Black Hills -22ish
Bonnie Moor -26ish
Grand Savannah -23ish
Sunny Wood -23ish
Woodland Farm -24ish
Rodney started playing Golden Tee here and there about 9 years ago, but nothing serious. Actually, he didn’t even really like it — he only played because a buddy of his wanted to play all the time! But, he really hated losing, so that’s about when he started to play a little more. Rodney started playing pretty seriously in 2003, he thinks — the last couple of years on the Fore format.
Now, Rodney tries to play about 250 games per week! That’s his goal most of the time. He still doesn’t consider himself a great player (even if we do!), but, he would have to say he realized he was getting good at this game when he scored 4 shots better on the 9-hole monthly tournies they used to have. This was also about the time he made his first tournament cut, and that was pretty sweet also!
Asked how he got so good, Rodney explains it happened by spending way too much time in the bar and having an addictive personality! Accomplishments he’s most proud of include making his first cut at a Live event, shooting the 4 better to qualify for the first T.O.C in (he thinks) 2004, shooting his first blind -30 and -31, cashing in a Live event, and of course some of the matches he’s had with some of these guys at tournaments! He’s also proud of qualifying for Team USA in 2005, which was tough! There were 72 people shooting 3 rounds with the cut at like 12. That’s probably his favorite accomplishment!
Another memorable Golden Tee moment for Rodney was Orlando for The World competition. Still among his favorites is playing GT with Chad Schrump when Live first came out at a bar on the south side — all those nights has to be one of his tops!
Asked what advice he would give to a novice, Rodney replied that the best thing to do to get better is to find better players and get some games in with them. He did it that way when he started, playing games with Schrump, Dean L, and Sobe. He went to all their places, telling them he wanted to play some games and get better. Everyone is generally happy about helping!
His next bit of EXCELLENT advice is to check out There is a ton of stuff on there. Don’t get all soaked up in trying all the new stuff all at once though. That will destroy your game. A little at a time. There are only a couple guys that seemed to be born good at GT. Haha! Really though, practice. Don’t get so mad at yourself that you lose interest in the rest of the game. If you mess up bad in the early stages, use that game to practice chipping. Putt off the green if you find a spot that is similar to something you have been struggling with. Who cares what the scores says! That type of practice will make you better.
Another piece of advice centers around your backswing. Unless you are putting, the backswing is a very very very important part of your swing. If you aren’t comfortable with what the backswing will do with different shots, pop a dollar in and head to the range. Granted, you can’t use all the clubs and balls, but you will get a great feel for the different strokes. Also check out the GT forums for any additional questions you have — the GT Toolbar has them all!
Thanks again to Rodney for taking the time to give us some history and some extra tips on improvement!
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Golden Tee Fan is
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a Golden Tee addict from Chicago, IL, thirsty for tips and tricks!
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Golden Tee Fan