Hitting over trees
By Deprecated: Function the_author_posts_link was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.1.0 with no alternative available. in /var/web/site/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085 Golden Tee Fan • Category: Trees •You’ll need some distance between you and the tree, and you’ll need a club that gets the ball in the air to clear it! Knowing how high a given club in Golden Tee will hit the ball takes some trial and error, but practice will help you get the feel. If you’re unsure whether or not you can clear a treetop, hit around it, but also know that you’ll always be curious until you actually give it a try! Many holes are reachable in one less stroke because you can clear a tree that might seem too high. A good tip is to try to let your buddy hit first to see if he clears it!
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Golden Tee Fan is
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a Golden Tee addict from Chicago, IL, thirsty for tips and tricks!
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Golden Tee Fan